We have all seen it, perhaps experienced
an episode or two of it or know of people who are currently trapped in the “margins” of our society. The margins are areas or time/space in which
people have just enough on which to survive or to just get by. They have no leeway or room for anything to
go wrong. For people “living along the margins” in our
economy is just as much of a way of life and how things will continue to unfold
in this 21st century.
There are a number of reasons and
contributing factors why people are living there, for some it is by choice, complacency and some because of circumstances. For some find themselves being marginalized
because of their race, criminal history or disenfranchised from participating
in the process. Additionally, many people find themselves there due to living
in poverty, homelessness, low wages, incurably mental illness and physical disabilities. In addition, others are struggling with drug
additions, domestic violence, discrimination, illiteracy or overcoming long
term traumatic experiences from military service.
In spite of how, why and when people
begin “living along the margins,”
there is a need for acknowledgement of this reality and that those trapped
along these “edges” cannot be
ignored. This concept demands that
people have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of who they are, where
they live and where they come from. The
day is gone when we cannot afford to look the other way and pretend that the people
on the margins of society do not exist... they
just need some respect, understanding and an even playing field. What
do you think?
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