Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Finding a Loophole

 If you believe that everyone will play by the same rules, obey the same laws and follow the same policies... than you must be living in another world, time or just wishful dreaming.  Every day a lot of people, business owners, companies and even those in government are being caught for taking advantage of “loopholes” that exist in rules and laws.  Amazingly, some of these “loopholes” have existed for years without anyone taking notice.  We can find them in our tax codes, off shore banking, online gambling, gun ownership, voting rights, public policy, health care and insurance policies.  

Believe me, finding “loopholes” is not something new in this 21st century, it’s been an ongoing practice since creation.  In nearly everything that has been created for the common good there have always been individuals who look for ways in which to take advantage of the rules for personal gain, power and for profit.  In some situations running afoul of the rules, breaking laws, and finding ways in which to exploit for some is common practice until they are caught.

Of course a “loophole” is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.  It also can be viewed as an error in the way a law, rule, or contract has been written that makes it all possible to legally avoid obeying it all.  Additionally, it may allow for another interpretation of the same rules that yield a different set of outcomes.   
The average resident has nothing against forward progress, new rules and well-intended programs that are focused on helping to rebuild neighborhoods and improve the quality of life for all.  And that is what most people really want, a fair chance or a balance playing field in which to achieve success in life and business.  However, the real problem comes when the rules are not followed, exceptions are made, ways are created to skirts around the process, no bid contacts, special treatment is extended and “favoritism it given to a few and it’s the game of who you know and who knows you”... that matters.     What do you think?              

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