Don’t look now... we are picking up where we left off in 2014 in
Milwaukee... more gun violence in our
community. For most of us as we witness a turnaround in
the economy, stock markets rising to new heights, gas prices coming down, troops
coming home, more Americans getting health insurance, more assistance being
given towards keeping people in their homes... we all were hoping for the best and praying for a sharp reduction in
crime as well. That was my hopes
and I am sure I was not alone. But here
we are and already people have been shot and killed in homes, cars and on the
street... and they are were Black.
Recently, I reviewed the crime statistics in Milwaukee since
2005 and many things stood out...
926 homicides and over 4000 non-fatal
shootings over the past 10 years. Yes! When you see the chart, your eyes, head and
heart will begin to hurt. This tells me
that nearly 5000 families have also been affected, traumatize and also have become
victims in a vicious cycle that seems to never end. However,
the more glaring stat that stands out is that nearly 80% in each category, the victim and the suspect were Black.
And when you add it
all up, the persistent Black on Black crime is unacceptable. Life is hard enough as it is to just make it,
find a livable wage job, affordable housing, get an education... but to
continue down this path of community self-destruction through gun violence is
beyond and defy common sense or logistic.
The varied opinions, endless debates over what is good for the community;
by so many who chose to look the other way, others who will not discuss it and some
who just give lip service... is also a matter of grave concern.
What will it take
to change the situation, environment, minds and hearts of those who see no way
out but to resolve their issues through the only means possible is a mystery? Is it because of a
lack of education, feelings of hopelessness, desperation, poverty, mental
health, no jobs, rejection, drug use, depression, oppression, left behind, and racism
... or have we just lost our way in the New Jim Crow. Can it be that we as a nation have lost our
moral compass and have created a culture that only benefits the rich while
taking more from the poor? Have we
found it acceptable to have a permanent underclass of citizens that are always
kept from reaching the ladders of opportunity or have the ability meet the
rising bar of expectations? The issues are
very complex, hard to put your hands around... but each day the beat goes on, on and on. And you know what, Milwaukee is not alone. What do
you think?
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