Monday, January 26, 2015

A New Agenda

The annual “State of the Union” address has always been something that most Americans pay a lot of attention to, especially when there is a lot at stake for the nation and the world.  Over the past six years the “State of the Union” addresses have been more closely watched since President Barack Obama (the first Black President) has been in office.  In particular his addresses have been more scrutinize than other former US Presidents and many believe it is because he is Black. 

Regardless of what others think or believe; our nation is in a far better place than when President Obama was first elected in 2008. It has been quite remarkable, the stock market has doubled to all-time highs, we are out of combat roles in two countries, over 10 million more Americans can now afford health insurance, the economy is coming back, unemployment is coming down, graduation rates are improving, immigration reform, the housing market is rebounding and we now lead the world in oil production, natural gas and renewable energy.  Of course this is only the short list of his accomplishments.

Many people have considerable differences with President Obama and some of that is expected and some of it does not make any sense.  Every President will have distractors, doubters, haters and opposition.  It comes with the territory and many see it as more about the political process than being personal.  In the case of President Obama, I believe it is more of the ladder, it is personal, and its deep and it is about “race.”   However, President Obama keeps on going and moving forward and working for all Americans regardless of their culture, ethnic group, faith, race or creed.  His primary agenda as he believe is... “to protest the best interests of all Americans.”   

During the “State of the Union” address this year, President Obama laid out a bold and new agenda for the nation as he declared the "state of the union strong."  In so many ways he covered it all or what he sees as the most glaring issues facing most Americans and the nation.  These included rising taxes on the rich, racial tensions, income inequality, making community college education free and developing safeguards against cyber-attacks.   Well as expected that ruffles the feathers of a lot of people, who have other intensions and want to take the nation into another direction all together. Well, until I hear another plan that is far better than what the President laid out, then this is the new road map.   What do you think?            

Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at, Twitter #AC53, and Facebook.   You can hear Dr. Calhoun each Sunday at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee 414-265-5546.  

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