Monday, May 13, 2013

Well... What Do You Know!

Just when you think you have heard and seen it all… something else takes the cake and grabs the national and local news headlines.  In most cases, it just simply takes your breath away or has you scratching your head.  It does not have to be something that takes place overseas, another state or city… but how about your own back yard, in your neighborhood and on your block. 

Real life situations play out each and every day as people are trying to live and make the best of what they have.  For many, their everyday life is quite a struggle, to pay the bills, keep the lights on, roof over their heads, feed the family, go to work, attend church and support various community events.  They are not looking to be in the spot light, hold a political office, or be the CEO of a company… all they really want is to live in peace, a nice and safe neighborhood, enjoy the fruit of their labors and quality time with the family.  Is that too much to ask for?          

Too often we lose focus and become disillusioned about what it means to be a “good neighbor.” Of course it is easy to just stay in our own little world and forget about those around us.  It is also easy to just look the other way, to not see something, hear something or say it’s not my problem.  And of course it is easy to just keep the grass cut, bushes trimmed, and trash picked up, and sitting down each evening and enjoy a cooked or take home meal.   But being a “good neighbor” is about being aware of what is happening in the neighborhood and participating in keeping the community a wonderful place in which to live, work and play.   And that is called the American spirit.    

See… the American spirit is more than just earning a living, becoming wealthy or seeing your name in lights.  The true American spirit is the willingness to help others who are less fortunate, those hit by natural disasters, enduring dangerous situations, overcoming acts of terrorism, and responding to a cry for help.  The American spirit is embodied when one person reaches out to help another person in crisis, regardless of their personal background, race, creed, ethnic origin or faith. 

They are simply doing what comes natural to them… and lending a helping hand is as good as it gets.    

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