Friday, May 31, 2013

It's Closer Than You Think

You have to look real hard to see the almost unnoticeable engraved legend in the passenger side mirror on your car these days.  But it reads “objects in mirror are closer than they appear.”  This is a safety warning that is now required on all cars in the country regardless of the made, model and color.  Since it addition, the number of possible highways accidents have decreased.  It in other words, side view mirrors have saved lives.       

Side view mirrors on cars were created to give a field of sight or view that gives a diver the ability to see oncoming objects at a merge glance.  These mirrors help the driver to make safe highway lane changes, maneuvers, and to adjust to other oncoming vehicles.   These mirrors help the driver to achieve something that does not come naturally, serve as a reminder of potential problems and to see those dreaded... “blind spots.”

They were designed as convex mirrors, which mean that they are curved.  These types of mirrors reflect light outwardly and thus objects that are seen in them appear smaller and farther away than they actually are.   Such mirrors form what is called a virtual image, which means it is what the observer sees in their mind and a reproduction of a real object.  And sometimes that is a good thing, for seeing oncoming objects in full view would be quite difficult to handle for most people.   

Conversely, there is a lot of conversation going on about how best to deal with the mounting real social issues affecting those living in urban America.  The view and perception of some people at community base organizations who are working on issues in urban America, writing grants, doing research and organizing events is one… “I see it… our work is needed, but can’t really relate to it.”  For others the view and perception is one of guarded concern...“I support the initiative...believe in the cause, but I am still trying to come to terms with what it all means.”   But for those who reside in the heart and soul of urban blight, poverty, crime, unemployment, and witnessing the dismantling of the social safety network, the view and perception is surreal and in full color.  

There is no way of escaping the enormity of the task at hand…"This is not a training exercise…I'm not just seeing things…the reflections... oncoming traffic...these objects are just not side view... but I see them in my front windshield...and in plain sight."     

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