Monday, July 31, 2017

The Doctor will see You Now!

Each year a number of people try to avoid, if they can help it, going to a number of professional services in medicine.  All the while knowing that each of those services are necessary in order to improve the quality of life for them and that of their family.  With a growing need for medical services, an aging population and preexisting conditions, the list of unique specialties is also growing.  These days, it is hard not to find someone who is not going on annual trips to see one or many medical doctors, the dentist, optometrist, cardiologist, neurologist, dermatologist, podiatrist, specialists, clinicians, a dietitian and/or a practitioner.  And let’s not forget the physical therapist, psychiatrist and the pharmacist.    
The ongoing debate for affordable healthcare spans more than half a century and it remains the same… how can all Americans receive and afford quality healthcare? This debate has by far been the more contentious at every level of our government and during political campaigns.   And this debate will continue well into the foreseeable future.   

The most interesting thing is that medical coverage across the nation is so splintered as to it’s accessibility, availability and affordability.  This includes within both public and private sectors.  Those who work at the various levels of federal, state and local governments see huge differences in plans.  For those who work in the private sector, private payers and the like, see a healthcare market place of competing plans and options. However, the greatest challenge is how to cover those without healthcare and what kind of plans are available to those who are not employed, underemployed, self-employed, between jobs, and others who are not covered at all by an employer.       

For certain our journey to this point has been hard fought and there will be other battles to come.  Overall the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, although not perfect by any means, has helped to saved many lives, extended coverage for parents who have children in college and to stop the practice of being denied coverage due to a preexisting condition.  The most amazing thing about it all, is that regardless of one’s socioeconomic status…you can be covered.  The question now is how do we sustain and improve the quality of what is being offered for those most in need?      

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Looking for Leadership

There is much that can be said, looked at or experienced in terms of those who seek out various positions of leadership in our modern society.   At every level of our social endeavor, there are and will always be positions that require some form of leadership.  The titles of leadership vary from one business, firm, industry, government or community.  But the clear facts remain, there is a need for someone to be in charge or responsible for ensuring that things are operating efficiently.     

Without question, we all admire seeing good and effective leadership.  We also appreciate when individuals aspire to positions of leadership with greater responsibility.  On the other side, we expect people in positions of authority to take their duties seriously, be a person of great character and integrity.  We also like to witness our leaders rise to perceived expectations and that no moment is “too small” or “too big” in which they cannot be effective.   It’s just part of the job. 

We have no problem pointing out when our leaders let us down or when things do not turn out positive.  And we also will give them credit, when credit is due for making a good decision. Some of our leadership models have been created to deal with great challenges, to shoulder greater responsibilities, to lead by example or to charge into battle when it is required.  Leadership is at times without easy answers, it’s not for the faint of heart or for those that lack the courage to face mounting issues.  It is not for title seekers and those who seek out honors or awards.  True leadership is for those who see themselves as making a difference when moments matter and the lives of others are at stake.   

What is so concerning these days is that so many people do not understand the real value of leadership and why it is so important to us for our modern society?  A clear example today is the fact that a large number of our military veterans, who have served the nation in times of conflict, find it hard when looking for employment after service.  Our veterans bring so much to the table in terms of leadership, discipline and skills, but are too often ignored or shut out for various reasons of backroom politics, prejudice, ignorance or indifference.  Instead of grand parades, allocates for military service, salute or slap on the back, why not take advantage of what they really bring home…leadership.   Just a thought!    

Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...