Monday, March 20, 2017

Broken Fences

What a person does is far more powerful than what they say.  Our talk can only take us so far… but when it’s time to back up our words with action…it might be another story all together.  And as we continue to travel down this new reality path of what it means to be an American, let us not lose sight of our heritage, courage and faith.  Let us remember that… we have come a long way and this too shall pass.      

Only Native Americans can truly say that these are our lands and that reality and identity cannot be lost.  For many of us, our coming to America is deeply embedded in the clear understanding that our ancestors came to these shores as immigrants, slaves or indenture servants.  Regardless of how they came to this new world, their journey through the America experience has become a part of our living story.  Their footprints and sacrifices have lay the foundation for what has made America so great…a land of the free and a home of the brave

Of course, there are those in each generation who try to divide people and to create confusion.  They take advantage of perceive weaknesses, known fears and limitations.  They focus on creating an illusion that things are bad and others are to blame.  In the words of my elders… they know how to stir the pot.  They also believe that if elected to office that they can make things better and be the different maker.  Recently, former President George W. Bush stated that “power is addictive.”  And that is what so many people seek.

It hard believe that after 240 years of American history, we are still dealing with so many issues from our past.  Building a fence, a wall or a bridge is nothing new.  If fact we still are dealing with a number of fences erected centuries ago and are stilling standing today.  For all fences are not physical barriers, they also include barriers that are psychological, emotional and spiritual.  And these fences are at times more challenging to deal with then a physical barrier.  We must remember that a fence goes up to either to keep something out or to keep some in.      

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