What is so surprising this year, unlike other years
was the high level of sophistication, shifting tactics, key operatives, shallow
narratives, email hacking and the role social media played. This does not over shallow the impact of “fake”
stories, draining the swamp, lock her up, suspicion of voter fraud, recounts and
the possible hacking of voting machines.
And to take a few steps further, repealing the Affordable Care Act,
rebuilding the Military, getting people back to work, returning jobs and
businesses from overseas, changing the tax codes, revising social security, cancel
or renegotiate trade agreements…the list
is long and continues to grow each day due to new special interest groups.
All of these sound bites are pretty interesting issues
to tackle, but what most of us really know is that “talk is cheap” and that change takes a lot longer than the first
100 days. What people are choosing to
talk about is one thing, but what they are not willing to talk about is the “elephant the room” and that is how to “Unite
the Nation.” For many this will never happen
during this presidency due to not winning the popular vote and thus a
presidency that is considered illegitimate. The second major underling issues in the room include
how to tackle rising drug additions, mental health, economic disparity, immigration
reform, affordable housing and improving education.
I know that for many of us, the 2016 election did
not turn out the way you had hoped or dreamed about. I know you were looking and expecting more,
but this is “what we got.” The next few years are going to be one for
our life time and it is going to be perhaps a real bumpy ride. It will not
be business as usual or one of comfort, so I suggest to… “Strap yourself in and hold on to something tight.”
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