Monday, November 14, 2016

We're Just Getting Started

It’s been quite an emotional rollercoaster ride over the past few weeks for most of us who believe in fairness, truth and the American Dream.  We also believe that a person should be viewed by the content of their character, by what they say and how they conduct themselves; than by the color of their skin, faith or gender.  But like a lightning bolt during this political season a lot of what we hold as basic values and common sense treatment was all but thrown out the window.     

Many Americans woke up on the day after the election in total shock and soon began to realize that many of the social gains made over the past eight years will soon be gone.  Each of us expect some change, but “racial change” is another story altogether.  It is especially more painful if it affects you and your family directly.    So regardless of who was going to win the race to be president of the most powerful nation in the world, we certainly did not expect this outcome. 

If this political cycle has taught us anything is that we can never take things for granted and to always cherish these special moments to participate in the political process.  We also learn how to not surrender our emotions to anxiety, complacency, fear and hopelessness.  This season has also taught us that we have to participate in the process, to not sit on the sidelines and hope for another day or look for more qualified candidates to appear.  Like my mother use to say… “This is what we got to deal with and so let us deal with it.”    

I know that this is going to be an interesting chapter in our American experience of presidential leadership.  But like all things that begin, a day will come when things will change again.  Our mission then it to keep focus on what we can do for there is plenty of work that remains undone in our communities.  So in the meantime, let’s see how things go, get more involved in the process and by all means let us continue to pray for better days.          

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