Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Finding Some Traction

Each day we hear of great achievements occurring in science, medical research, education and technology.  These advancements are certainly creating breakthroughs in areas we never believed would happen. These changes are altering how we live our lives, both now and in the near future.  We are also hearing about other ground breaking initiatives from around the globe that are making tremendous impact in the areas of business and industry, startups, leadership, interventions and social media.  It is amazing how far we have come over the past two decades or so and it certainly will be interesting to see what will happen in the next 5-10 years. 

I find it quite fascinating to glance over the endless list of “new ideas” that are changing our world as we know it.  These “new ideas” are affecting who, what, when, where, how and why we do things.  And with each passing day, here comes another “new idea.”  Each “new idea” also brings with it some fascination about it possibility, measurable outcomes and long term impact.  Believe me, “I am all in” for new ways in which to get things done, solve lingering problems and provide a pathway to a brighter future.  But all “new ideas” are not the same, for some “new ideas” bring with them a down side.  

At first glance it may appear that things are going great, a lot of fanfare, a lot of intrigue, and a lot of excitement; but there is something missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it.  The way I see it, you have to ask the question who benefits, who loses and who is left behind with each “new idea.”  There are always “winners and losers” when change occurs.  Another thing I see missing is how can the “new idea” that begins working effectively be sustained way beyond its starting point.  

All “new ideas” bring some kind of change.  However, change for the sake of change does not always work.  Change may look good on paper, provide wonderful talking points, advance a career and can bring a fresh view to an old idea.  But change that makes a lasting impression has to include not only the person who has the idea, but also include the people it will affect.  With a new generation coming of age and rapidly assenting to prominent roles throughout our society, they have to find ways to make their “new ideas” stick and to set a new trend for us to follow.  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Pardon The Interruption

The rebuilding and sustaining of communities continue to be an ongoing battle for those living within those neighborhoods. The once promising neighborhood in which we chose to move into has since changed and many of those changes over time have been hard to bear. Neighborhoods that were seen as a sign of growth, prosperity and stability have all turned into virtual waste lands of boarded up homes, empty lots and untended yards.  The decline of many of these communities have also included losing those good neighbors and stable families that made the neighborhood such a safe and special place.

The change we seek and the change we so desperately need is all possible.  This effort requires that people living in those neighborhoods to come together and organize for the sake of the community.  This too is an ongoing struggle and it depends on whether or not people have a shared vision and passion to become involved.  Getting residents together for the good of the entire community is always a positive step to ensure the neighborhood can be rebuilt and sustained.  For all neighborhoods are a reflection of the people who live in that community. 

The one thing residents who live in these depressed communities need is support from many sources.  This includes agencies whose mission/vision is to a help residents deal with changing conditions, glaring issues and who stand ready to serve.  These residents also need the help and resources from the city and county governments to ensure that streets are maintained, street lights are working, quick response from law enforcement when needed, fire service, available health clinics, grocery stores, livable wage employment, quality schools and accessibility to public transportation. 

Most residents really appreciate when others outside their community come to assist, attend block clubs meetings and especially those who are willing to listen to their concerns.  To many of them it helps to not feel as though they are trapped in declining neighborhoods with no one caring about what is happening to them.   Regardless of what we believe about those living in urban America along the edges of society, all residents want people to not forget they are still a part of what makes the community a community. 

Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...