Wednesday, July 29, 2015

When Peace Matters

I know that “World Peace Day” is officially observed a few months from now, but we need help today.  The widespread of senseless gun violence and drug use throughout our country are just signals that many aspects of our society are out of balance and things are going wrong for so many.  This issue and more are fueling the growing level of mistrust in public officials, law enforcement and policy makers.  In so many ways concerned citizens are getting fed up with the “business as usual” attitudes and approaches to solving the problems of the community.  

The rapid increase in gun violence and drug use is also fueling the charge in more shootings, more deaths and a greater concern for public safety and awareness.  In many ways these are indicators that something has to give and things need to change for the better.  Of course, that too is also a problem! What those changes should be and who is making the suggestions also draws suspicion.  For many cannot envision a transparent effort and impact when those affected are not invited to the table where decisions made and policies are written.    
Obtaining peace is a tough sell... it is easy to talk about, but it is hard to put into action.  Finding ways to de-escalate situations, conflicts and personal grudges is quite an undertaking and takes considerable skill, training and patience.  Additionally, trying to find ways to limit the access to guns and drugs is also an uphill battle, both legally and underground.   In addition, these enterprises are “big business,” regardless of the times. 

In order for peace to be a selling point of a good society and finding solutions to make things better, there has to be a better understanding of what peace is all about.  This process must involve people from various socioeconomic levels of our society and not those just on top.  The dialog must be real, where people voices are heard and ideas are valued.  Peace is not just a nice topic to talk on, but can become a reality if we are committed to the process of accepting others and what they bring to the table.  What do you think?      

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