Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Not a Moment but a Movement

The recently mass shootings in the historical Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, SC are a vivid reminder to all of us that the struggle for racial equality, equal rights, human rights, justice and religious freedom continues.  This shooting also opened up a number of old wounds that have long been issues of contention and debate in that state as well as across the nation.  These wounds have been a part of the American journey for most ethnic groups, especially African American.   From all of what has happen over the past decade or so, this struggle is as real as it can get.     

As African Americans we are not alone in our struggles with the rising number of mass shootings in recent years at places of worship, schools, and public spaces and on our shores.  How do we protect ourselves and the institutions we hold so dear will continue to be up for debate.  But we as a nation, unlike so many other industrialized countries are out of balance in terms to the number of guns and weapons available on our streets, homes and communities.   The easy access to guns of all types is center to the ongoing argument and how do we keep those weapons out of the hands of the criminals, youth and the mentality ill?   

For many in this 21st century it seems odd that we continue to find ourselves in this place in history.  This new upcoming generation is trying to come to grip and understand the legacy of racism from America’s past.   And what they are finding out is shocking.   Many believe that there are a number of underlining issues unresolved from the past and that these violence episodes and more will continue to be a part of America’s future, if not addressed.  Without resolving few, if any, of the underlining root causes that lead to gun violence, we are just taking a brief pause in this ongoing narrative.  Some of the underlining issues that continue to fester include growing poverty, unemployment, poor health, mental illness, and lack of education, crime, poor housing and a breakdown in the family. 

What is missing from in all of this are the people, faith community, civil leaders and major businesses willing to step forward to support a "movement" to make change happen.   It is just not enough to have a “moment” in which to offer some prayers, personal reflections, cite scriptures, identify a number of issues to address and hold a press conference.  But a “moment” needs to turn into a "movement" and that requires more effort.   The question is than... what more can we do to get things started?    What do you think?           

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