I attend a lot of meetings, and believe me...
and it all seems the same, people are present and only a few ideas, a question
or too... if any emerge. It is as if people have been briefed beforehand
not to say anything, given a day off to attend, part of their job description,
learned how to play the kind of game or brought in only to make the meeting
bigger than it really should be. Then it
dawns on me that nearly all ideas that come to light are coming from people who
live, work and play in a particular “silo.”
Then I hear those words... we want all people to share their thoughts
and be “transparent” today! Then it
comes to me... “How can you ask people to be transparent... when everyone here
is from a “silo”?
Although the term is more related to a facility
or building that if part of a farming operation. On a farm a “silo” is where grain or silage is stored for future use in feeding farm animals or to sell to other producers. The silo is also a place to protect what has been produced on the farm from outside elements. So the term “silo” offers a clear contrasting picture of what is happening each
day in our communities and cities. People
are operating from a “silo”
mentality. When you think of it in terms of a company, business,
agency, organization, or governmental service, it is how we develop and protect
our ideas and values. It is a way to
protect the brand and to keep the details of the company business from being
stolen by competitors.
So I don’t say I am going to a meeting
where innovation and new ideas are going to be flowing like “milk and honey” out from everywhere and
everyone... but I say I am going to a meeting of “silo” thinkers, who are more interested in keeping the system like
it is, rather than improving it for the future.
It is hard to break away and become transparent, when all that is being
done is coming from those living and earning a living from a “silo.” Getting out of a “silo” way of thinking is harder than
you think or believe, and if you are outside those “silo” systems then you are really in for a rude awaking.
What do you think?
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