The recent series of shootings by
police, a choke hold and the use of deadly force that was caught on camera are sounding the alarm. And to make matters worse, no criminal indictments. This new generation is not going to stand
around and take this without people and a system being held accountable. They see a system that is broken; police
militarization and a growing culture of indifference among those who are sworn
to protect and serve the communities of color.
These recent events have exposed the
underling reality of what prejudice looks and feels like, especially towards Blacks
and people of color in general; Black men and boys in particular. I know we have our own issues of Black on Black crime and that needs to
be addressed as well. But the treatment
by those in law enforcement and being paid to do so... should be better and needs
to improve. Many of us know that policing is a tough job and there are times in which things can get lost in the fog of situations, reactions and emotions. To be fair, our community needs effective policing, but there are limits to everything. Additionally, these recent events have uncovered that a number of rules of law and processes have become outdated and additional training standards need to be put into place that reflect good bearing, discipline and multiculturalism.
However, I see those issues as well as other issues connected to a number of failures in our society, and... we need to work on them too. There is a need to improve our community with better paying jobs, reduce homelessness, more affordable housing and reducing the high levels of poverty. And perhaps we will see a lesser need for expanded policing. What do you think?
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