Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Let's Get It Right

It cannot be said order for change to occur... all of us must participate in the process and create the reality we seek and so deserve.  Every step we take and every opportunity we have to make our collective voices to be heard... everyone must be engaged to ensure that outcome.  We can’t wait or depend on others to understand, appreciate or embrace our values, culture, ethnic background, needs or spiritual heritage.   In the words of Mahatma Gandhi...“You must be the change we wish to see in the world.”
What happen in Ferguson, Missouri this past week is nothing new, but rather is a continual narrative in the American experience over the past 400 years.  The tragic loss of life of an unarmed Black male teenager at the hand of law enforcement continues to raise red flags and is a failure of the system, policy, lack of training and just common sense.  But what this event also uncovered was a failure of leadership, teamwork, outreach, partnerships and civic engagement.  It is clear that the failure was on all fronts... and many of those fiascoes carried on for several days and violated some civic rights.  In so many ways... some things could not have been handled worst.  In addition, there was a lack of professionalism, high levels of hostility and poor judgment.  Well... here is the real shocker... Ferguson, Missouri is not alone. 

It cannot be understated that there are a number of communities in America like Ferguson that need to make serious changes.  These changes include leadership, workforce, policies, voting and improving community relations.  We must come to grip with the fact that a number of cities need to make a transition as well as a  transformation.  People must be aware that no system is perfect, but any system must be reflective of meeting the ongoing needs of the people they are intended to support.  And of course that means it has to have both checks and balances.     
It is unclear what the outcome of all the events that occurred in Ferguson, however one thing is for certain, the city and its residents will never be the same. Things will change and it will take the residents to make those critical changes and not from outsiders.  Residents in other similar communities across the nation will need to learn from the failures of Ferguson and chart a new course.  The loss of any young person to gun violence is one too many and if we are to learn anything from Ferguson is to make sure we get it right and pass those lessons on. 

What do you think?           

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