In the figure of speech “can’t see the forest for the trees,” the meaning is that one looks
at things one at a time and might not realize that a branch of separate trees go
together to make a forest. It also means
that one can focus in on the various details in particular and might failed to
see the overall view, impression, key points or long view. In other words, many often lose sight of the
big picture by getting themselves mired down into the details, while not fully understanding
that some issues are interconnected.
Each week, I encounter a number of people in our
community who are solely focused on one or more details of a problem. And that is “OK” in my book, we need people
working on various issues to help us all live better, do better, live longer
and to act better. There is no doubt
about it, we need committed people to be advocates for better health care, quality
of education, affordable housing, livable wage employment, incarceration, racism,
voting, running for public office and economic development. We need all the help we can get and then some. But we also need people to understand that
the problem they are dealing with is also larger, interconnected with other
issues and together the “picture” or “mosaic” is something to see and framing it
up is a far greater task.
All situations, regardless of size or scope has a history,
roots and a reason why behind it. Just
because a situation has ended in some aspects, laws passed decades ago, a new
generation, times has change; does not mean it has not left a legacy or
residual effect… for some people have not
gotten the memo, email or text yet. Perspective
is what we need and to keep in mind when dealing with the details. What do you think?
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