Friday, February 7, 2014

Lets Get This Done

Just before you know it, something changes for the good and it makes all the effort, blood, sweat and tears that you put into it… pay off.   When things finally come together,  there is a great sense of satisfaction in knowing that you did good and the lives of so many has been made better.  The cost of getting there is one thing, but the cost of staying there is another. 

And this is where we are today, it is becoming harder and harder to find people who are willing to put in the effort, the blood, sweat, and tears to make things happen and to improve the lives of residents and communities.  It makes one wonder and questioned why people who are in a position to help make positive change do little, just give lip service or just chose to keep things the way are.  In the words of a sailor…“never rock the boat.”  

There is a cost to be paid for things remaining the same way, especially when outcomes remain poor and negative.  All I know is that many people, who are in a position when things are happening, or going south… need to own it, see the price tag and either pay the price or just keep on walking.  For it was on their watch… that things start going the wrong way… enough said. 

People too often want to avoid the situation at hand and only do something that benefits themselves, they even go to great lengths to disguise what really happening in their lives… masking their viewpoints, opinions, and frustrations because of what they deem as political correctness.  They know too well that they can’t keep on playing this game without exposing their hand.    

Today there is a need and call for champions of right causes.  They embody what is known as a champion spirit.  These champions have a can do attitude; get it done spirit and a firm grip.  They do not mind getting and seeing things done, right and not left to others who don’t care.  The causes are many; just take a look… poverty, unemployment, health care, education and injustice.  The list is endless… but the champions are few.   Remember all things are possible…just have to get it done.  

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