Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's Time to Stand UP

The calls keep on coming… calls for justice, fairness; stop the violence, jobs, advice, educational reform and list is just endless.  If it affects you, it’s your voice that is sounding out the alarm.  But who do you voice your concerns? And who is listening?  If it does not affect you… it's just another day in the park… it’s not my problem, let someone else deal with it.  I may hear about it, have a passing thought and that is about it.      

We are now living in an American society that continues to care less about the general welfare of 97% of all Americans, than the new minority group… the super-rich.  It is a sad state of affairs, the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to suffer.  And to make matters worse, there are those who go about protecting the rights of the haves and not the have not’s.  The rhetoric and the grand standing that continue to be pushed by these protectors... is just shameful.       

The once available ladders in which those in poverty could use and climb up are becoming few and far in between. And if you can figure a way out of the mazes, over the huddlers, and across the broken bridges it is truly an act of faith, courage and perseverance.  The pathway to success and beyond is quite a challenge these days and yet it is something worth to strive for.          

Even in the midst of knowing issues in which people can just avoid the advice of law enforcement, get out a vehicle, load a gun, pick a fight and shoot and kill an unarmed young person… without a cause… is just pure nonsense.  It is even more puzzling when the legal system can be played and further underlines the deep down flaw in the system that has been built and designed with prejudice at its cord. Where is the fairness, balance and justice in that?   

It continues to be hard to believe in the American Dream, land of the free and home of brave… when no matter what the truth is… it is not allowed to come forth… regardless of the loss of life, price paid, and lives forever shattered.  The debate will continue and hopefully someone will get the message and finally stand up to be counted.         

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