Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Got Your Back

Some people talk a good game, but when something has to be said or done, they too often are missing in action.  As you know, talk is really cheap and does not pay any bills.  And that is where we are today, a whole lot of people are talking about what should be done, could be done and need to be done.  But that is about it, all talk and… no action.   

A lot of people participate in wishful thinking, and that is “OK”.  I certainly do.  I wish for a day when neighborhoods become safer, black on black crime no longer exist, home ownership is more affordable, heath care becomes more accessible, higher education becomes more available, poverty is eradicated, wars cease, justice become equal, all forms of discrimination end, the right to vote is not questioned and equal pay for equal work… just to name a few.   I know your wish list is just as long. 

We all need to think outside of the box sometimes, believe in something greater; dare to be great, dream big and to reach for the stars.  But taking the next step, to put our words into action is the hard part. To speculate or to take the risk is what frighten people, for no one wants to be seen as a failure or loser and rejection is hard to stomach.   

It is easy to spot bystanders, onlookers and detractors, but to find stakeholders is another ball game all together.  A stakeholder is also a risk taker, they get involved; speak their minds, for they have a vested interest in how things go.  When a stakeholder takes a stand, they need to know that they are not doing this along and that someone has their back.  For a stakeholder, it’s not just about them, per se, but also for those they represent, and especially those who have no voice and who suffer in silence.        

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it this way… “The ultimate measure of a man not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. 

Now… who’s got my back?

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