Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's Up In The Air

I remember the captain of an airplane once coming on the intercom and saying… “please fasten your seat belts… we are experiencing some turbulence and it will get a little bumpy for the next few minutes…”   Talk about head winds and more… that certainly was an eventful day to say the least for me.  But in light of several recent  events, protests, scandals, congressional delays, state rights, civil rights, women rights, gun rights, Supreme Court decisions, global warming and natural disasters… this flight is far from over.  

There are a lot of head winds today, even on clear and sunny days.  If I see this right, our nation is now entering into uncharted social, political and scientific waters that have many people wondering what is going to happen to the greatest nation of modern times.  This is more than just change, for change sake…it is change most us have never experienced before and many are having a difficult time coming to grip with the perceived outcomes. 

There seems to be more “blurring” along the social lines of what is fair, humane, just and in maintaining a good society.  The situation gets even more complicated when you factor in personal agendas, conservatives, liberals, the far right, far left, moderates, centrist, Tea party and let’s not forgets about those progressives.  The issue is even more troubling when you consider that so much of what we were taught or have come to believe in is being altered.  It is enough to keep your head spending, a hand on your wallet or purse and an eye on the calendar for the next upcoming election.       

It seems that we need to put together a survival kit that includes a life preserver, motion sickness pills, oxygen, first aid kit, parachute, a good book, voting card, food and some prayer.  I know that it is hard to compare the upcoming changes in our society with those from the past, but I am sure that our parents and ancestors had to endure some difficult situations, tough decisions, sacrifices, and personal loses.  Let’s not forget Slavery, WWI, WWII, the Depression, Vietnam, March on Washington, voting rights and the Cold War, to just name a few.  The future is always difficult to predict for it is full of clouds, head winds, rain and sunshine… but like all planes that go up, they too must come down and land.  So, get your ticket early, the next flight is leaving soon… but make sure your seat belt is tight… this ride is going to be something.            

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Taking It All In

It pretty amazing these days to meet people who have never traveled overseas, when on a cruise or even been on an airplane.  But it is true.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who are not caught up with how the world operates; i.e. Wall Street, Main Street, Corporate America, and even their local government. They are simply trying to survive as best as they can each and every day. All they really want is to live in peace, safety, be law abiding, work a fairly reasonable job, roof over their heads, clothes on their back, food on the table, the ability to pay bills on time and to attend church regularly.  Many of them only take what life gives them… nothing more and nothing less.  Way too often, they are overlooked and suffer in silence.     

For the up and coming generations of X, Y and Z, it is quite easy to get caught up trying to live a life way beyond one’s means. It is a hard habit to break, just ask the previous ones. It is more difficult when credit is easy to get, there are deals to be had and of course trying to keep up with the latest and greatest of the times.  Way too many people are trying to impress other people and live a life similar to those that appears on regular TV, cable, satellite or in the movies.  Some people even try to emulate what they see and are willing to go into massive debt in order to keep up appearances. It seems to be more about…what’s in it for me, me and more of me.

At the bottom of the sea floor lives a remarkable creature, it is called a Sea Sponge.  It is a renewable natural resource with over 5000 species, of which only seven are deemed to be of commercial value.  Some species have been found nearly 5 miles down in the ocean.  The Sea Sponge possess an amazing regenerative power as the natural process of the tide and current will pick them up and can re-grow in a new  location.  The superiority of natural sponges is unmatched for quality, safety and longevity.  Additionally, they are quite absorbent; create a luxurious lather, softly textured and suitable for the most sensitive skin.  It is truly one of nature’s most wonderful gifts and is the real deal.         

In the movie, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Clarence Oddbody (Henry Travers) the guardian angel for George Bailey (James Stewart) … makes this statement…  “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many others lives.  When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?  And perhaps, that is what Urban America needs, more people who know the real value of life and treasures each moment.  What do you think?      


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pathways to Citizenship

“I can name that tune in…” was the opening line by a contestant on the Name that Tune TV game show that first aired in the 1950’s and has reappeared several times over the past few decades.  This game show featured two contestants completing against each other to test their knowledge of songs.  The object of the game was for each contestant to bid on naming a song after hearing the fewest notes as possible.  The contestant that could to do that would win the round.  The player with most points after the third game would go on to play an addition round for a grand prize. 

Similarly, and in so many ways, the ongoing debate over immigration is like playing that game.  At the heart of the debate is the question of how to stop or slow the flow of illegal immigrants into the country.  The new law would provide a way for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants a way to gain US citizenship, tighten border security, pay fines and collect taxes.  In addition, it would bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, hold unlawful employers accountable on hiring practices, and expand the educational options for their children.    

All across our nation, this is an issue that is clouded by special interests, politicians, advocates, business, and community leaders.  The finger pointing is sure to continue even though there is enough blame to go around, especially from those who have profited tremendously from the entire situation.  The emotions at times are raw, the impact is real, the ongoing debate is contentious and the political fallout is just starting.  A number of special interests who opposed this upcoming legislation are lining up to see how to get around this new law and continue to exploit the situation for personal gain.  To be sure, this is a pretty tough issue to get your hands around. There is no doubt that so much is at stake… the human cost; so much to get right… the laws; and so much has to be done …securing the future.  

This is the second or third time around on this issue in my lifetime and I know that something like this will reappear again.  It may not be called the same, a different slant, another tune or affect another unique ethnic community, but nevertheless it will come again.  Believe it or not, our track record on such related matters is not that good, we still have not fully addressed or created pathways for Native Americans who ancestors were here way before the first immigrants came from Europe, Asia, or Africa and how about those whose ancestors were brought here as slaves.  Please excuse me, I am hard of hearing… can you play those notes one more time?”     

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Can You Hold That Down... Please!

Can you really take it anymore!  Those young men and boys wearing baggie pants below their waist on the thigh… and they say that is cool these days.  How about people who are so glued to a cell phone that they seem to always be calling or texting someone while driving in traffic or making a turn… reallyis it that important?

What about little children being left alone in cars while the engine is still running or when it’s hot outside, with the window all closed up and no air conditioning on… all the while the diver goes into the local convenient store to get a cup of coffee, a soda, cigarettes or some kind of snack… unbelievable.  Here is one for you, those men and women with tattoos and body piercings.  I always believed that practice belonged to a unique group of sailors, sea merchants and pirates… I guess notit has gone mainstream without the sailing.  And of course, and one of my favorites is those individuals with cars and the “baddest” music system around that blast music so load that even the car shakes and rattles when the volume is turned up and the vibration… just drives you up a wall… it does something to you, doesn’t it. 

This is pretty amazing stuff…isn’t it… of what we see and hear in the 21st century and they call me old fashion and out of touch with the times.  It’s “Ok” to have self-expression.  I don’t have a problem with that.  I believe that everyone should always strive to be all they are capable of becoming, to live the American Dream as they see it and to find their place in a complex world.  It get it! And I feel it!   But the problem that I am having today is when people are not getting a quality education, not voting, living in poverty, and corporate greed, dealing with gun violence, disrespecting other people, limited access to health care, obtaining a livable wage job and not taking responsibility for personal actions.  And this is not just a personal problem; it is also a community, city, corporate, and national problem.         

In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, the prime minister of the United Kingdom during WWII, who once said…“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give…”  Isn’t it’s time to get our act together and deal with what really matters?  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

They are Who We Thought They Were!

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to size up a situation even before it begins?  People who are able to do that have an unusual gift, skill and talent.  To size up the competition, an opponent and to anticipate their plays beforehand and make adjustments is priceless.  To know what to expect, their strengths, weaknesses, plays, formations, and play makers.  To design and develop a strategy that perhaps keeps you in the game or even to win the game is invigorating.      

Who can forget the words of Dennis Green, the former NFL Football Coach of the Arizona Cardinals on national television (October, 16, 2006) after the Monday night football game against the Chicago Bears when he said… …“The Bears are what we thought they were.  They’ve what we thought they were…”  Coach Green was responding to questions about had happen to the team’s defense that had forced six turnovers and for most of the game had shut down the Chicago offense. More importantly his team was able to build a 20 point lead and in less than twenty minutes to go in the game, lost the lead and the game. 

He made that statement in light of the fact the two teams had played each other just two months earlier during the third game in preseason and in which the Cardinals won.  So the two teams knew how to play each other, the plays, the players and the staff.  With that experience, Coach Green and his team believed that gave them an competitive advantage.  However, since it opening season win, the Cardinals had lost four straight games, while the Chicago Bears were undefeated.  And now when the game meant the most, the Cardinals were unable to hold on to a lead for a convincing win. 

Since that time his remarks have become a commercial icon and pointing to the fact that even with a considerable lead, the game is not over with time remaining on the clock.  Of course there is no way to really prepare any team, a group, a company, or community to complete on any stage flawlessly.  Preparation only makes improvement and not perfection; in real terms it only helps to anticipate what could or would happen.   The odds or hopes of winning improve dramatically because of preparation.  In addition, we must remind ourselves that regardless of how much practice or scenario base training goes on; nothing can really replace what happens during the game. 

How well we prepare for a particular game or situation in life may not always lead to an expected outcome.  Some outcomes are hard to predict, especially when you don’t know what will occur during the contest and ultimately affect the results.  In some cases we do not know what will make the difference in the game: a bad call, missed opportunity, a fumble, play calling, wrong defense, or a great play from a playmaker or unsung hero.  And by all means, let’s not forget the about the other team.  In the end, the majority of people may never understand or appreciate how much you prepared for something, but can only recall the final results… the winner and the loser.          

Monday, June 17, 2013

Count Me In...

“And the winner is…” are the words used to announce the recipient for an award during an annual show.   The list of award shows are endless and include the Academy, Grammy, Golden Globe, Tony, Screen Actors Guild, BET Hip Hop, Essence Music, People Choice, and MTV… to just name of few.  In addition, a day does not go by in which someone is recognized for an outstanding achievement, scholarship, advancement in technology, business or a new invention.  This just goes to shows that we still live in a world of unique possibilities, where great ideas, solutions, wonderful music, acting, volunteerism, and heroic action help to inspire us all. 

As we look at our modern world, the 21st century has brought many changes to our way of living, thinking, environment, culture and faith.  Some would say we have come a long way in terms of medical research, new technology, television, social media, entertainment, designs and operating systems.  However, in just looking ahead, we are facing some new giants including global warming, consumption of natural resources, new diseases and how to feed a growing global population.  And yet, no matter how much progress has been made, some things have not changed as we continue to struggle to overcome issues along the color line, civil rights, social justice, poverty, economic disparity, war, corporate greed and yes… even some common sense. 

Our urban communities do not need more bystanders, onlookers; naysayers, and detractors, but needs more stakeholders, connectors, healers and mentors.  It needs more people who are interested in improving the quality of life for all residents regardless of their socioeconomic status and race.   It needs more people who understand the golden rule and who put it into practice every day… rain or shine.    Its needs more people who are concerned about getting the work done, regardless of who gets the credit, honor or the award.  H. Ross Perot, the once independent Party Presidential Candidate in 1992 and 1996 once stated… ““When building a team, I always search first for people who love to win. If I can’t find any of those, I look for people who hate to lose.” 

So, how about it… can we count on you? 


Monday, June 10, 2013

Bait and Switch

Don’t you just hate that! You thought it was going to be one way from what you heard and understood at the time, however after it was all said and done…and at the last moment… it turn out to be something quite different.  If so, I feel your pain, disappointment and confusion.   I just wish someone or business would just keep their word and live up to what they promised. 

Of course, we are all very interested in how to rebuild many of our inner city neighborhoods which have gone through decades of decline.  This has included closure of major industry plants, outsourcing of jobs overseas, shifts in population and aging infrastructure and housing.   These communities were once striving places, working class people, and great streets with bright futures.  With that in mind, we will listen to any and all proposals that achieve that goal, to bring the community back, new businesses, jobs, services and housing.  

Now, here we go again! Believing once more, that you can trust people who have a great smile, wonderful presentation, appear to be honest, sincere, take the necessary steps, meet the right people and know how to say the right words… This will strengthen the community in the long term, in your best interest and one of my favorite “is a good fit.”  Anyway…it just goes to prove that people who want favors also want to make up the rules as they go.  And if they decide to change in mid-stream or at the end… they assume that they have the right to do so. 

In far too many recurring situations, we forget that people and businesses are only coming for their self-interest.  All they really want is to get in, pass through and make their money… without regards to how it will affects those who must deal with the reality of what is left behind, good or bad.  They are not interested in building the community from within in the long term, its residents, its neighborhoods, but rather are only interested for what potentially can come from the community in the short term.     

Residents living in urban America have far too long been dealing with a new age of sleight of hand.  Tell us one thing and then… switcheroo… which is the sudden unexpected reversal or of swapping two objects.  Like my grandmother use to say… “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is…”    

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Got Your Back

Some people talk a good game, but when something has to be said or done, they too often are missing in action.  As you know, talk is really cheap and does not pay any bills.  And that is where we are today, a whole lot of people are talking about what should be done, could be done and need to be done.  But that is about it, all talk and… no action.   

A lot of people participate in wishful thinking, and that is “OK”.  I certainly do.  I wish for a day when neighborhoods become safer, black on black crime no longer exist, home ownership is more affordable, heath care becomes more accessible, higher education becomes more available, poverty is eradicated, wars cease, justice become equal, all forms of discrimination end, the right to vote is not questioned and equal pay for equal work… just to name a few.   I know your wish list is just as long. 

We all need to think outside of the box sometimes, believe in something greater; dare to be great, dream big and to reach for the stars.  But taking the next step, to put our words into action is the hard part. To speculate or to take the risk is what frighten people, for no one wants to be seen as a failure or loser and rejection is hard to stomach.   

It is easy to spot bystanders, onlookers and detractors, but to find stakeholders is another ball game all together.  A stakeholder is also a risk taker, they get involved; speak their minds, for they have a vested interest in how things go.  When a stakeholder takes a stand, they need to know that they are not doing this along and that someone has their back.  For a stakeholder, it’s not just about them, per se, but also for those they represent, and especially those who have no voice and who suffer in silence.        

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it this way… “The ultimate measure of a man not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. 

Now… who’s got my back?

Monday, June 3, 2013

If I Only Knew Then...What I Know Now!

Life is full of choices and the choices we make always change one’s life.  As we make those decisions, each of us hope that it is the right choice.  This is so true, especially when we begin to consider what we have accomplished in light of what we have experienced.  Life is full of unique experiences that teach and guild us each and every day.  And sometimes or perhaps all the time… our experiences help to transform who we are and what we believe. 

In a certain way, life always provides us with moments in which to sit back and reflect on what has happen.  To see things in the rear view mirror of life, 20/20, fair assessment and somehow evaluate those events and the major decisions that we have made.   You see what when right, what when wrong and how to improve the next time …if it comes again.  To be fair, we must admit that some of our decisions have been good ones, while others were less than favorable or just plain disasters… and that’s another story. 

The hallmark of a person who is comfortable with themselves is the process of self-evaluation.   And making improvements in one’s life is noteworthy, inspiring and truly remarkable.   One of the most powerful statements I continue to hear today… “If I only knew then, what I know now.” In other words, I would have done things differently, be in a better place, chose a different career path, lived in particular neighborhood, and worked on other things. 

Making a sound and right decision is always the goal.  To make that decision based upon the facts, gathered information, feedback and from past experiences.  However, that is not always the case, for many people make critical decisions without really getting the full story or understanding the whole situation.  They make decisions based on faulty information, irrational thinking, and panering to special interest groups.   And of course, some people are only interested in making sure that others do not know or see the entire picture.  In other words… let’s keep them in the dark.

It was George Washington Carver, the famous American scientist, botanist, educator and inventor at Tuskegee University, who once stated … “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong… Because someday in life you will have been all of these.”  

Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...