Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Twilight Zone!

They say that there is nothing new under the sun and if you live long enough you will see things from the past reemerging.  Well…the past just showed up.   For those of us who have seen it before this new “old stuff” just has a new set of clothes on, a haircut or designer nails.  But at the end of the day…it’s the same old stuff that projects prejudice, injustice and discrimination.  To a younger generation this “old stuff” is new and has them on edge and asking…“what gives?” 

It reminds me of a television show series from the late 1950’s to 1964 called the ‘Twilight Zone,’ created by Rod Serling.  This series achieved popularity and critical success while introducing us all to science fiction and to new ways of envisioning things.  Each episode focused on a particular genre, including horror, fantasy, science fiction, suspense or a psychological thriller; and often concluded with an unexpected twist and moral lesson.  What made this weekly series so interesting to me were the unique introductions, including…“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination.  Next stop, the Twilight Zone! 

Weather the “zone” is real or not, people are feeling out of sort these days.  And with so much going on and taking all the headlines it is no wonder people are on edge, looking for some relief and better times.  People are upset at all the empty rhetoric, broken promises, repeal and replace of Obamacare, filling the swamp, political posturing, fake news stories, false allegations and ongoing investigations.  And just wait; there is more coming that will impact our climate, financial systems, retirements and education. 

What seems to be missing in all of this, overlooked or not talked about during these days is the growing rate of poverty, increased drug use and overdoses, expanding prison incarceration, lack of reentry programs, escalating gun violence, rising mental health challenges and finding affordable housing.  We can all agree that these are interesting times in our American discourse and for a number of us we are just waiting for the next headache, shoe to drop or subplot to appear.  How we move forward and what we expect to happen next is anyone’s guess.  Of course, we do not know the ending of this saga, but it is going to be one for the ages.  Perhaps we have already arrived at our… next stop!    

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Under Pressure

With so many bold promises made on campaign trails, a new administration and congress are finding that leading and getting things done is much harder.  As each week rolls by the path forward and the agenda is becoming more dicer.  The end game is becoming more distant, cutting deals, working across party lines and the ability to build winning coalitions only looks good on paper.  Now that this brand of new leadership or “rubber” has hit the road…stuff is getting really ugly. 
Talk is certainly cheap when you can blame others for the mess, but now with the power in hand and the numbers to make something happen… well!  What is the problem now?  To make things more interesting and with future elections looming, countless local constituents have become upset during town halls meetings of elected officials and demanding that their health care and social benefits remain unchanged.   These are certainly hot button issues.  And in the words of the rapper known as Nelly…“it’s getting hot in here.” 

It certainly has been some interesting times lately and we have learned a lot to get us where we are today.  This has included learning several new words and concepts… likewalking things back, fake news, Alt-right, demagogue, deplorables, redacted and unmasked…just to name a few.   I am willing to bet that more is on its way.  So, just keep a pencil or pen and paper available…class is now open.   For people do and say some strange things when they are under pressure. 

Throughout our lives we have all come to believe that leadership matters and for those who aspire to a higher office in public service, our prayers go with you.  Leadership helps to get things done, without question.  We all need great leaders to inspire us, to support and to learn from.  It’s one of the foundations of a great nation, community, business or institution.   And   leadership is also at times without easy answers, setbacks and a loss for words.  But that comes with the job description.  As my mother use to say…“if you can’t stand the heat… get out of the kitchen.”    

Monday, April 3, 2017

Time For a Reset

It must be “nice” to have all the time in the world to get involved with the “calls for actions,” protests and political campaigns.  But for a lot of us, it is another story… we are just trying to make ends meet each and every week.  And we certainly don’t have the time, luxury nor the bank account to deal with all the crazy things that are going on and especially what is coming out of Washington these days.  It is getting quite confusing… to say the least.  

And to make matters sound worst is the reality that the lives of people continue to be held in the balance and used as pawns.  For those who live below the poverty line, dealing with a long term illness, disability, unemployment, incarceration, mental health crisis or a drug addiction…life is as real as it can get.  All the big talk or hot air and political posturing is not working for those who are looking forward to improving the quality of their lives.  If you can feel what I am saying! 

It easy to talk when all your bills are paid, enjoying a good paying job with benefits, live in a nice house in a great neighborhood, go on a vacation or two each year, drive a new car and can retire in style.  But talk is cheap when the shoe is on the other foot and things are not going so well.  If fact, the one remaining shoe is on a “bananas peel” and it can go at any time.    

What is so puzzling to me is that the needs and the voices of those who suffer in “silence” are going unheard.  They are being ignored by those who have been elected to serve for them.  And it is ashamed that what we see unfolding is going in a different direction than what we were told.  What ordinary people need who are caught up in an economic freefall is some relief, an opportunity or second chance.  As the old saying goes… “If I only knew than what I know nowI would have made another choice.”   Now where is that button?  

Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...