Tuesday, February 28, 2017

It's Complicated

Well the cat is out of the bag now… becoming the top political leader of the greatest nation in the world is not as easy as many first thought it would be.  The learning curve is long and it takes time to gain a grip on things.  I find it quite amazing that people are now coming to realize that campaign promises are one thing, but leading a nation is a whole different ballgame.  And if and when the truth is told, trying to change the course of nation cannot be done overnight or by just a few tweets.  It going to take more and we have not even begun to address the issues and challenges of urban America.     

The promises of our great nation has never been found in what people say, but rather by what is demonstrate through action.  Words can only go so far, but backing it up becomes the hard part.  Getting things done has always been the measuring stick by which we continue to judge our leaders through our American discourse.  And great leadership takes time to develop and requires building trust with others along the way.        
The current national and global pathway is becoming filled with uncertainty, questionable behavior and fringe elements.  For certain the cultural temperature has risen to new levels not seen in decades and the fight for equality, justice and acceptance has become front page news.  We are definitely in new and uncharted waters in terms of our socioeconomic reality, political correctness and national pride.  What and how things will turn out is anybody’s guess at this time.         

What is so striking is the fact that so many Americans are becoming confused about what they are experiencing, hearing and seeing.  And now more than ever, people who voted in this past election cycle are beginning to question their decision and asking the difficult questions that are affecting them and their families.  For most of us we knew this was going to be a rollercoaster ride in the first place, but we did not expect that the ride would take so many turns, dips, hills, valleys, bumps and curves.  Well and in the time being, I suggest we check our seat belts and hold on tight…it’s about to get real interesting.     

Monday, February 13, 2017

Lift Every Voice...

At least one thing is for sure these days in America; someone is personally affected by each irrational decision made, especially if it goes again the rights of being an American.  Of course it does not take much to stir up some opposition, protest or push back on a policy when people perceive that is hurtful and it discriminates against others.  It does not “bode” well when civil leaders do not take seriously how people feel about an issue; avoid the topic altogether or are seen working again common interests and real needs.  And as everyone knows there is a real possibility that the next election cycle may bring about another change.  

Recently, it has been quite the “show” with so many protest marches, sit-ins, media sponsored town halls and the public outcry about policies that has disrupted the lives of millions.  And when you factor in the ongoing attacks on women health rights, LGBT community, immigrant ban and with over 20 million Americans now relying on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), it is no wonder that people are on “edge” and “upset.”  You just can’t repeal something that so many have come to rely on… without a better replacement.

To some people they see these other issues as only “distractions” and part of a larger narrative to shift the focus away from solving real problems that are affecting everyday Americans.  The real issues that need to be addressed include increasing economic development, job creation, urban revitalization, criminal justice reform, and access to quality health care and better housing.  What are the plans for these issues? 

The forecast for the rest of year, according to some community and social advocates will be more of the same.  Unless the current new administration shifts directions, the “people’s movement” will only intensify.   It is a shame that the greatest nation in the world is becoming more “bogged down” in various issues and not focused on the needs of every day Americans.  Without a doubt the uproar is warranted and the emotions are “raw.”  Yes, these are challenging times, but we must remember that the voices of all Americans matter and should be heard and respected.      

Monday, February 6, 2017

Hidden Stories

Our American history is full of unique stories that are a part of our national heritage.  Many of these historical events, characters, places and times have been recorded in various forms, books and encyclopedias.  Quite a few of us have grown up taking history courses and have even gone on to major in history while in college.  However, in our quest to learn more about our American history we soon discover that what has been recorded is not often the full story, but only a brief observation as reflected by historians of that era. 

There is a lot to learn about our American history and to also realize that a lot of it has been omitted, altered or “hidden” due to racism, intolerance and indifference.  In fact, much of our American history has been told through the eyes of immigrants and not by those Native Americans who were here long before the Mayflower or explorers.  And it is important to note that after Native Americans; everybody else came to these shores as immigrants, slaves and indentured servants. 

Our American experience is a collection of stories about immigrants and includes so much more.  These stories include struggle, faith, endurance and courage.  They also include stories of change, discovery, inspiration and firsts.  And every day and as time passes by, someone finds a sliver of knowledge from the past that lifts the vail on the truth or how something was accomplished.  These kinds of discoveries help to change future perceptions; alter dreams and reveals that the contribution of a few is what made the difference when it counted the most.  

The recently release “Hidden Figures” movie is just one of those unique stories from history that most of us have never heard of or knew about until now.  This bit of history, about an all-black group of female mathematicians assigned to the West Area Computing unit at NASA in the late 1950s and how their work helped to put a man into space as well as several other space missions is truly remarkable.  The telling of their story of overcoming racial and gender barriers, shattering stereotypes and doing the math is truly inspirational.  Today, this is also the story of so many people who can relate to what these women of color when through just to do a job.  I wonder what other “stories” are just waiting to be brought to the light.          

Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...