Today, it appears that more people who are running for
some sort of public office are more interested in playing to their base of
supporters then trying to appeal to a much boarder base of American voters. Instead of working on addressing the issues
that concern most residents, people would rather “play the game of politics”
than finding solutions to everyday problems.
It is no wonder that so many
people have lost faith in our modern day political system and with the people who
are representing them at various levels of government.
In some communities, residents are sick and tired of
the politics as usual and are looking for candidates who are listening to solve
local needs for better jobs, better schools, more health services and economic opportunities. Local residents are not interested in who
gets the credit from working on their problems, they are only interested in
knowing that their issues are being worked on.
No matter how any of us see it, cut it or feel about
it, each of our communities deserve better support than what they are
getting. Residents who feel that they
are locked out of the process must remain actively engaged in holding those in
office more accountable. And as the old
saying goes… “If you keep on doing what
you are doing, then you will keep on getting what you are getting.” It’s time for a change and we should learn
how to take our stand and demand better.