Those were the words of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. as he reflected on the value of labor, its impact and meaning
in America. As we pause this week to
remember the work and legacy of Dr. King, we also must keep in mind to teach
and demonstrate those values to this and the next generation. The King Holiday continues to grow in its
importance as more and more communities and businesses embrace the significant
of what he believed in and stood for. It’s
just good business.
MLK day is not just another holiday, but
it is a day in which to refocus and to reflect on what is important in life. Without a doubt, Dr. Kings’ life’s work
helped us all to live better and to achieve more. We must also remind ourselves that it took a
lot for his birthday to become a national holiday… of course that is another
story all to itself.
In the light of Dr. King’s work, it is
always easy to just stay the way you are and not change a thing, but in the
reality of life it is impossible to remain the same. Regardless of how much we desire to keep
things the way we found them, enjoy what we have, we all know that change
happens and it occurs sooner than later.
The world is a place of constant motion… ins and outs… ups and downs…
dips and curves. And when you take an
honest look at things, we all are continuously changing, little bit by little
bit… it could be because of age… it could be because of more knowledge… it
could be because of more experience… or it just could be that we are evolving
and adapting to what is happening as we go along.
The greatest thing that we can is to empower those in the upcoming generation to take the lead. It is to begin the process of passing things
of importance on to them. Keeping the
status quo will not be enough. This new
generation has some new ideas, dreams, visions, and a boarder way of thinking
and seeing things. We should not be
afraid of the new leadership that is emerging in the next generation of African
Americans, they will bring a few changes,... spice it up or add a few new twists they say… to many things that
worked well in the past. Of course there
will be a price to be paid… but they
will make the best of the legacy we leave behind… so we can only expect that
more progress will be made in making our nation better… and bring true light to
what God intended.