Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Season To Remember

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

This is the open line of a very popular song that we all hear each year.  It highlights and captures the essence of the holiday season and yet it reminds many of us of how the commercialization of Christmas has evolved on the years.  This song along brings to light many of the aspects of the holidays and its meaning.   

As all of us know, the sights and sounds of this Christmas season are everywhere.  It is a time… with colors, the foods, the lights, the deserts, the caroling, the travel, the family, the friendship, the shopping and especially those… half off sales. This time of the year that puts a lot of people in a great spirit of sharing.  This includes participating in food, toy and clothing drives, volunteering and gift giving and let not forget the egg nog.  For many of us, we look forward to this time of the year.  Even with the worldwide commercialization of Christmas, it real meaning and origin is from the bible.  

On the other hand, this time of year is also full of people, for various reasons that see and experience this holiday season differently. Some of them carry an indifference spirit and some the “O humbug spirit” or “nonsense attitude.” They have become the symbols of “Ebenezer Scrooge” and “how the Grinch stole Christmas”. They enjoy blaming others and to talk about something positive in a negative way.  They look at the poor and those who depend on government assistance as being just too lazy to do better.           

However, it is also a time to remember those who are less fortunate then we are and those who are struggling to make ends meet, lack of food, inadequate shelter, no employment, and underemployment, those with health care challenges, the disable and more.  This time of year, regardless of the struggle and situation is to remember how bless many of us are, to live in a country, where many things we take for granted and do not exist in other countries.  It is to be aware, that what we have and our abilities to work hard to obtained what we desire.  It is a time to enjoy family, friends, neighbors, seniors, orphans, veterans, and the wounded warriors to just name a few on my list.  It is to remember to not waste, to be frugal and to be mindful that this season is not about us, but Christ… and that includes us.      

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Standing Tall - Nelson Mandela

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

Those were the words of Nelson Mandela, (1918-2013), who became the first black South African to become President of South Africa.  His journey to the Presidency and his life long struggle for equality for all South African is truly noteworthy and is a standard to live by.  His work included dismantling the legacy of apartheid, tacking institutionalized racism, poverty and fostering a national racial reconciliation. 
Mandela, who attended the Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, studied law.  He rose to prominence in the African National Congress (ANC) and participated in various campaigns to stand again the oppressive apartheid government.  In 1962, he was arrested and convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the state government and was sentenced to life imprisonment.  After serving 27 years in various prisons, including Robben Island, Pollsmoor  and Victor Verster, he was release in 1990.  His release came in part to the growing international campaign that lobbied for his release as well as the effects of international sanctions.  

Under his remarkable leadership, he was able to usher in a new age for South Africa and the world.  During his one term as President he promulgated a new national constitution, created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses, land reform, combat poverty, unemployment and expand healthcare services.  As a result of his leadership he was able to lift the international sanctions and restore the county status as part of the League of Nations. 

Even through much of his live, Mandela was considered a controversial figure, he gained international acclaim for his activism and philanthropy.  In all he received over 250 honors as well as the Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Soviet Order of Lenin and the Bharat Ratna from India.  His impact continues to shape and reshape the focus of how people of various backgrounds can live together in peace and with respect.  This also means to find ways to move forward and a willingness to work together for the common good of all people.  His legacy has affected us all in more than one way or another, perhaps this week and during this holiday season, all of us will take time out to reflect upon a life lived in harmony with real human values.             

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Things We Play

The Checkered Game of Life was created in the winter of 1860 by a young man named Milton Bradley; he was 24 at the time.  By the next year, in 1861, over 45,000 copies of the game were sold.  The game was created with a focus on a person’s life from poverty to wealth. Over the time the original game was undated to reflect the changing of times and culture.  At the beginning a total of two to six players could participate in a game at a time, however with newer versions of the game a total of eight to ten players could enjoy the game. 

By 1960, a modern version of the game was introduced as “The Game of Life,” with a focus on a person’s travel throughout their life, from college to retirement, jobs, marriage, and possible children along the way.  Today, the game is simply known as LIFE.  From its humble beginnings to the present, the game continues to be played by individuals, family and friends alike who simply enjoy the game to past the time away and sharing some special moments with those they love and care about.   In addition, the game continues to be popular; a card game was created, as well as an express version and even one called WiiWare.    

Milton Bradley is credited by many with launching the board game industry in America through his Milton Bradley Company.  With a mechanical draftsmen and patent agent background, he when on to create several other games, rules, coloring books and inventions.  Over the years, the Milton Bradley Company has created numerous well known games including Battleship, Connect Four, Twister, and Yahtzee.  From my viewpoint, I see each of these games as a way to bring people, community, families and friends together.  It is a way to participate and share something with common beliefs and simple rules that are easy to understand. 

Amazing isn’t it, that a game that began nearly 150 years ago, still continues to impact our lives in various ways today and yet it allows us to take the time to play with some simple rules to see life from another perspective.  It is a game that continues to capture our imagination with what is possible, to make decisions, to take risks, experience failure and success.  The ultimate result of playing the game of LIFE is that each player can finish... they made it.  Through the good, bad and indifference the game comes to an end and it perhaps makes you wonder about your own life…in a way… and then you realize that I am playing my LIFE for real.    


Rocking The Boat

  There are a number of reasons as to why boating accidents continues to rise each year across America.   According to the US Coast Guard...