really happens? Can a person in
leadership do something that is beyond their belief system, heart, faith or conscience? Is there a separation between what is right
and wrong, church and state or does a person give in to what is in their best
interest? What is in it for me, myself and I… or better yet, how can
I get the most out of this situation that benefits my future ambitions. Oddly and strangely enough these and more are
the questions that continue to beset our society even in the 21st
there is not a day that goes by or even a moment that we find people struggling to keep their heads above water,
homeless, hungry and alone. There are so
many people in our society that are hurting, hearts broken and crushed by the
weight of policies and regulations that benefit only a few and not the
many. It is not that all of them have lost their
way, bad choices, their lot in life, but also there continue to be many people who
can help… who don’t.
The story of the Good Samaritan in the bible provides the
best insights to helping those in need, especially when the question is asked… Who is my neighbor? We must remember that there are no limitations
on who can make a difference in another person’s life. And with that in mind during this holiday
season, let us answer the question not only through our words, but through our actions.