While living
in one of the greatest and wealthy nations in modern times, I see the dismantling
of a way of life that has been the “gold standard” for active engagement
throughout the world. But on the other
hand, we have the most people in prisons, a high unemployment rate, a gun
culture that is out of control, a high dropout rate in education, glass
ceilings for people of color and women in top public and private sector jobs
and a lack of representation in local, state and national governments. It is clear that as Americans, we are still
dealing with the “race” factor and
certainly this is not in the best interest of county that wants to remain the
global leader.
It is just
unbelievable today, that there are many people in our society who by their
actions want only to have things their way and to keep “the other” people out. It’s
like a sub culture complex that continues to exist in spite of the reality of
what is happening on the streets of America, and people are hurting. It
appears that and in so many ways that the well off and those who have found a
way to make it to the top of the wealth ladder… feel no obligation at all to help
others who remain living in adjective poverty.
Most of
what I have just said is about “abnormal” behavior. It does not make any sense at all, it is
insane. From my perspective, I know that
some people grew up in, were forced into and have become trapped in “abnormal
situations.” And when people
are in abnormal situations, they cannot make a “normal decision.” And when the normal decision that needs to be
made is being viewed through the eyes and minds of a person who has been
affected by what is “abnormal,” then things get real ugly soon. You get my point. And getting out of this “new normal” takes a
strong will, soul searching or an act of God.
In this case, the price tag for the cure is just some “common sense.”